
Escatological follies

So many Armageddons past,
So many days that weren’t the last,
For you the end can’t come too fast.

My death is just the price you’ll pay,
So gladly to be on your way,
And if I’m damned – well, that’s OK!

I’ve written a little poem for all those Christians who love to gloat about their salvation and my alleged damnation. It only lasts two minutes. Have a listen and tell me what you think in the comments.

The source of Christian morality: It’s not what you might think

Church won’t excuse your bigotry,
You’re only there ’cause you agree!

Church won’t excuse your bigotry. You’re only there ’cause you agree!

John & Mary go looking for a new church

Original sin: Does it make sense to you?

Two people who I never knew did something that I didn’t do, so I deserve to burn in Hell!

I can be forgiven for what I didn’t do, because some other people crucified a bloke who didn’t do it too!

I didn’t do it! I’m not guilty of it!

Judge not, lest ye be judged

Some Christians in their arrogance,
Imagine hate is all I see,
They’re certain that without their God,
there can be no morality!

Judge not, lest ye, yourself be judged! A brief poetic offering for both #atheists and #theists, especially #Christians about judgement.

Who are you to judge me?

This Friday isn’t good!

There’s nothing ‘good’ about ‘Good Friday’!

There’s nothing ‘good’ about ‘Good Friday ‘. It’s an illustration of the unimaginable stupidity of the fictional God of Abraham and the barbaric sado-masochistic fantasies of the authors who dreamed Him up!

This Friday isn’t good!

No f**ks to give

So God keeps His promises, eh? It’s funny how He finds it so much easier when the people doing the praying also have the benefit of technology and man’s ingenuity to help Him, isn’t it?

It took that child three days to die, from hunger and disease.