Fallacies 1: The sharpshooter fallacy

The Sharpshooter fallacy is a favourite of psychic con-artists, mediums, faith-healers, religious scammers and many more. Those who knowingly employ this fallacious argument cannot be trusted.

The God free guide is about critical thinking as well as counter-apologetics. This short video is the first of a series outlining logical fallacies. This one is the Sharpshooter fallacy (AKA Cherry picking). It’s a favourite of psychic scammers, mediums, faith-healers, religious scammers and many more. It works because we’re evolved to be pattern-seekers. The sharpshooter fallacy takes advantage of that and those who knowingly employ this fallacious argument cannot be trusted.

Fallacies 1: The sharpshooter fallacy