No f**ks to give

So God keeps His promises, eh? It’s funny how He finds it so much easier when the people doing the praying also have the benefit of technology and man’s ingenuity to help Him, isn’t it?

It took that child three days to die, from hunger and disease.

Fallacies 1: The sharpshooter fallacy

The Sharpshooter fallacy is a favourite of psychic con-artists, mediums, faith-healers, religious scammers and many more. Those who knowingly employ this fallacious argument cannot be trusted.

The God free guide is about critical thinking as well as counter-apologetics. This short video is the first of a series outlining logical fallacies. This one is the Sharpshooter fallacy (AKA Cherry picking). It’s a favourite of psychic scammers, mediums, faith-healers, religious scammers and many more. It works because we’re evolved to be pattern-seekers. The sharpshooter fallacy takes advantage of that and those who knowingly employ this fallacious argument cannot be trusted.

Fallacies 1: The sharpshooter fallacy