Original sin: Does it make sense to you?

Two people who I never knew did something that I didn’t do, so I deserve to burn in Hell!

I can be forgiven for what I didn’t do, because some other people crucified a bloke who didn’t do it too!

I didn’t do it! I’m not guilty of it!

Do you also unto me

You say that your morality comes from that book you read.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, do you also unto me”

(Matthew 25:41-46)

You say that your morality comes from that book you read, its pages stuffed with guidance for the living and the dead. But if that’s true then why do you ignore so very much? What other moral guide informs your choices as you clutch your pearls and criticise, condemn your fellow men and hang on to your riches instead of helping them?

Did not Jesus say to sell it all, give proceeds to the needy? Conveniently you forget that part, it’s all so very seedy.

You focus on the Bible bits that let you judge your neighbours, judging trans men for their lack of tits and trans women get no favours. They can’t even use a public loo without explaining it to you.

You oppose sex education but insist girls go full term after a night of uneducated enthusiasm when her ova met his sperm. Some of you even shun the girl to raise her child alone. Is that really what your Jesus wants whose guidance you have overthrown.

You long for resurrection when you say I’ll go to Hell

But if your Bible tells the truth then you’ll be there as well.

Where the sun don’t shine

They tell me, oh so gleefully, that I’ll go to Hell

A very short, slightly poetic response to those who so gleefully threaten atheists like me with eternal torture.

Empty threats from the followers of a coercive, fictional God.

God’s genocide

many on the right support Zionist apartheid – because the Christian right insist that God gave that land to Israel and they command an awful lot of votes and even more money around the world.

Now then. How do you feel about genocide? How do you think the God of Abraham, the Bronze age God of war feels about genocide? More importantly, how do you imagine those Christians who think the Bible is the infallible word of God feel about the abuses committed by the state of Israel today toward Palestinians in the West Bank?

This is why so many on the right support Zionist apartheid – because the Christian right insist that God gave that land to Israel and they command an awful lot of votes and even more money around the world. This is not to say that all Israelis or even all Jews are Zionists but those that are seem to be calling the shots with devastating effect upon the Palestinians.

This isn’t defence, it’s invasion and it’s genocide. This is the unchanging God of Abraham commanding the outright destruction of entire populations, including, presumably innocent children and pregnant women.

So don’t give me any pro-life crap about the value of unborn babies before the Lord. Your God is a war criminal, a brutal, capricious, sadistic and genocidal torturer. And the Christians who follow him into defending the abuses of the Zionists are no better.

Numbers 31: Genocide, Infanticide, Misogyny and Sexual slavery

What your Pastor won’t tell you.

What your Pastor won’t tell you: Genocide, murder, infanticide, Regicide, misogyny, kidnapping and sexual slavery. And all that in just 18 #Bible verses at the beginning of Numbers 31!

God the abuser

He only hurts me because he cares.

It’s for my own good.

I can’t cope without him.

I deserved it.

I provoked him.

These are all things I’ve heard victims say when I speak with those unfortunate enough to be on the wrong side of domestic abuse. They’re the words of abusers internalised and repeated by the abused. It’s remarkable just how often Christians say the same things about their God.