Escatological follies

So many Armageddons past,
So many days that weren’t the last,
For you the end can’t come too fast.

My death is just the price you’ll pay,
So gladly to be on your way,
And if I’m damned – well, that’s OK!

I’ve written a little poem for all those Christians who love to gloat about their salvation and my alleged damnation. It only lasts two minutes. Have a listen and tell me what you think in the comments.

Judge not, lest ye be judged

Some Christians in their arrogance,
Imagine hate is all I see,
They’re certain that without their God,
there can be no morality!

Judge not, lest ye, yourself be judged! A brief poetic offering for both #atheists and #theists, especially #Christians about judgement.

Who are you to judge me?

There’s no hate like Christian love

Does your Jesus really want you to display all that hate?

I have to ask. Behind your mask what’s this about? The way you shout? The way you claim to know what’s right and pretend that you’re fighting some ‘good fight’?

If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn’t worth making!

Fearful, you cower before your LOrd, a willing slave to Jesus’ word but did he really want all that hate? When you reach the pearly gate will ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’ really be your ticket in? Or will the hatred you display to athiest, to trans and gay condemn you to a devil’s Hell? 

Not real of course. That’s just as well or you’d be in that lake of fire, watching as the flames grow higher because you are a blatant liar. You bear false witness against your neighbour telling lies of every flavour. Evolution, sex, the Bible. Your deception has no rival.

Be grateful that your God’s not true ‘cause if he was, he’d slaughter you!

Do you also unto me

You say that your morality comes from that book you read.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, do you also unto me”

(Matthew 25:41-46)

You say that your morality comes from that book you read, its pages stuffed with guidance for the living and the dead. But if that’s true then why do you ignore so very much? What other moral guide informs your choices as you clutch your pearls and criticise, condemn your fellow men and hang on to your riches instead of helping them?

Did not Jesus say to sell it all, give proceeds to the needy? Conveniently you forget that part, it’s all so very seedy.

You focus on the Bible bits that let you judge your neighbours, judging trans men for their lack of tits and trans women get no favours. They can’t even use a public loo without explaining it to you.

You oppose sex education but insist girls go full term after a night of uneducated enthusiasm when her ova met his sperm. Some of you even shun the girl to raise her child alone. Is that really what your Jesus wants whose guidance you have overthrown.

You long for resurrection when you say I’ll go to Hell

But if your Bible tells the truth then you’ll be there as well.

By the book

By the book… a book most Christians have never read.

“It’s by the book!” Those Bible-bashing God-botherers said,
But if you look you’ll notice it’s a book they never read!

They’d better hope they’re wrong. They won’t enjoy the judgement half as much as they think.

Where the sun don’t shine

They tell me, oh so gleefully, that I’ll go to Hell

A very short, slightly poetic response to those who so gleefully threaten atheists like me with eternal torture.

Empty threats from the followers of a coercive, fictional God.

Judgement day

Christians can’t demonstrate that their religion is true and so they threaten us with Hell and damnation instead.

“What will happen if you’re wrong?”

“What will you say to God on Judgement day?”

Christians can’t demonstrate that their religion is true and so they threaten us with Hell and damnation instead.

This is my answer!

10 (revised) commandments

These are the God free guide’s 10 commandments, updated for the modern world. They’re much more in line with how the world really is today and with how genuinely decent people ought to treat each other.

So apparently this Moses guy, you know, the one who wrote in detail about his own funeral (as well as about towns that weren’t even founded until centuries after his death) also wrote some commandments. Yeah, I know he said God wrote them but since neither God nor Moses actually existed I think we can safely assume they were made up by ordinary men. Ordinary MEN, not women, mind you. Men who lived in the desert herding camels and treating anyone without a penis like property. Perhaps that’s why the 10 commandments are so control-orientated.

But worry ye not – I’ve improved them for you. These are the God free guide’s 10 commandments, updated for the modern world. They’re much more in line with how the world really is today and with how genuinely decent people ought to treat each other.

Here they are…